Julia Glassman

jglassman at ucla edu

photo of Julia Glassman

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I am a second-year student in UCLA's master's program in library and information science. My interests are undergraduate libraries, information literacy, open access, cataloging and metadata, and radical multiculturalism, and I currently work as a reference desk assistant at the UCLA College Library. I'm also a writer, and my fiction and articles have appeared in make/shift magazine, The Missouri Review, LA YOGA, and other publications. My debut novel, Other Life Forms, is forthcoming from Dinah Press in 2011.

After receiving my BA from Sarah Lawrence College, I spent a year interning at McSweeney's and 826 Valencia and several months working in Paris, France - first as an au pair and then at Shakespeare and Company, which allowed travelers to shelve books in exchange for a place to sleep. I then earned an MFA from the Iowa Writers Workshop and went on to work as a community college instructor, blogger, and activist, writing book reviews for Feministe.us while working with the Progressive Jewish Alliance Economic Justice Working Group on labor issues in Los Angeles. I always sought to bring my interest in feminism, anti-racism, and social justice into my work in the classroom, exposing my students to a plurality of viewpoints and pushing them to tackle complex issues in their writing.

My passions for hiking and Vipassana meditation served as inspirations for my current fiction project: a young adult fantasy novel tentatively entitled The Forest Flute. In addition to my fiction writing, I am currently researching and writing on the integration of alternative and experimental media, including zines, blogs, and hypertext novels, into library collections. I'm also eagerly awaiting my fall internship at the UCLA Cataloging and Metadata Department.

You can email me at jglassman at ucla dot edu.